You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

546 lines
14 KiB

2 months ago
<u-navbar bgColor="#ffffff" :placeholder="true" titleStyle="font-weight:600" title="消防员排班" :autoBack="true">
<!-- 选择人员 -->
<view class="paibanCard">
<view class="title">
<view class="line"></view>
<view style="background: #FFFFFF;border-radius: 20rpx;padding: 26rpx 41rpx;">
<view class="pickPerson">
<view class="picktitle">
<image src="../../../../static/images/fireman/fire.png"
style="width: 26rpx;height: 32rpx;margin-right: 10rpx;"></image>
<image src="../../../../static/images/fireman/add.png" style="width: 135rpx;height: 46rpx;"
<uni-swipe-action-item :threshold="0" :right-options="options2" v-for="(item, index) in checkList"
:key="index" @click="bindClick">
<view class="menu-item-box" style="display: flex;">
style="background-color: #0087fc;padding: 22rpx 15rpx;color: white;border-radius: 10rpx;margin-right: 15rpx;">
<view style="font-weight: 600;">{{ item.label }}</view>
<view style="font-size: 24rpx;color: gray;">
<span style="margin-right: 20rpx">{{item.secUnitName}}</span>
<!-- 选择日期 -->
<view class="paibanCard">
<view class="title">
<view class="line"></view>
<view class="pickTime">
<view class="input1"><uni-datetime-picker type="date" :clear-icon="false" v-model="beginTime"
<view class="input2"><uni-datetime-picker type="date" :clear-icon="false" v-model="endTime"
placeholder="请选择结束日期" /></view>
<!-- 排班添加按钮 -->
<view class="addPaiBan" @click="addPaiBan"></view>
<!-- 人员选择插件 -->
<next-tree :expandedKeys="['3','3-1']" :changeVerify="changeVerify" :title="getTitle" ref="nextTreeRef"
:checkStrictly="checkStrictly" :selectParent="selectParent" :multiple="multiple" :treeData="treeData"
@cancel="oncancel" @confirm="onconfirm"></next-tree>
import {
} from '@/api/system/dept.js'
import {
} from "@/api/fireman/index.js"
import {
} from "@/api/fireman/dutylog.js"
let self = null;
export default {
data() {
return {
form: {
id: undefined,
dutyUserId: undefined,
dutyUserName: undefined,
dutyLogInfo: undefined,
dutyDate: undefined,
dutyYear: undefined,
dutyMonth: undefined,
dutyDay: undefined,
secUnitId: null,
secUnitName: null,
plantId: null,
plantName: null,
isHoliday: undefined,
status: undefined,
delFlag: undefined,
createBy: undefined,
createTime: undefined,
updateBy: undefined,
updateTime: undefined,
remark: undefined,
text1: undefined,
text2: undefined,
text3: undefined,
text4: undefined,
dutyUserIds: []
beginTime: "", //开始时间
endTime: "", //结束时间
multiple: false,
selectParent: false,
checkStrictly: false,
activeId: '',
personList: [], //人员列表
options2: [{
text: '删除',
style: {
backgroundColor: '#F56C6C'
}], //滑动删除
localData: {
'a1': [{
id: 'a1-1',
label: 'a1-1'
}, {
id: 'a1-2',
label: 'a1-2',
children: []
}, {
id: 'a1-3',
label: 'a1-3'
'b1': [{
id: 'b1-1',
label: 'b1-1',
children: []
}, {
id: 'b1-2',
label: 'b1-2'
}, {
id: 'b1-3',
label: 'b1-3'
'c1': [{
id: 'c1-1',
label: 'c1-1'
}, {
id: 'c1-2',
label: 'c1-2'
}, {
id: 'c1-3',
label: 'c1-3',
children: []
'a1-2': [{
id: 'a1-2-1',
label: 'a1-2-1'
}, {
id: 'a1-2-2',
label: 'a1-2-2'
'b1-1': [{
id: 'b1-1-1',
label: 'b1-1-1'
}, {
id: 'b1-1-2',
label: 'b1-1-2'
'c1-3': [{
id: 'c1-3-1',
label: 'c1-3-1'
}, {
id: 'c1-3-2',
label: 'c1-3-2'
asyncTreeData: [{
id: 'a1',
label: 'a1',
children: []
}, {
id: 'b1',
label: 'b1',
children: []
}, {
id: 'c1',
label: 'c1',
children: []
treeData: [], //人员树列表
checkList: [], //选中的人员列表
created() {
self = this
mounted() {
methods: {
// 滑动按钮点击功能
bindClick(e) {
setTimeout(() => {
this.checkList.splice(e.index, 1);
title: "删除成功",
icon: 'success'
}, 200)
// 获取消防站人员
getDept() {
deptTreeSelect().then(res => {
console.log(res, "部门");
listFiremen().then(res => {
this.personList = res.rows;
this.treeData = this.arrConversion(this.personList);
console.log(this.treeData, "消防站");
// 添加排班
addPaiBan() {
console.log(this.checkList, "this.checkList");, index) => {
this.form.plantId = item.plantId;
this.form.plantName = item.plantName;
this.form.secUnitId = item.secUnitId;
this.form.secUnitName = item.secUnitName;
this.form.text1 = this.beginTime;
this.form.text2 = this.endTime;
schedulyDutyLog(this.form).then(res => {
delta: 1,
console.log(this.form, "this.form");
// 一维数组变为三维数组
arrConversion(arr) {
let keys = Object.keys(arr[0])
let level1 = 'secUnitName' //获取一级属性名称
let level2 = 'plantName' //获取二级属性名称
let list = Array.from(new Set( => {
return item[level1]
let subList = []
list.forEach(res => {
arr.forEach((ele, index) => {
if (ele[level1] === res) {
let nameArr = => item.label)
// console.log(nameArr)
if (nameArr.indexOf(res) !== -1) {
let nameArr2 = subList[nameArr.indexOf(res)] => item
if (nameArr2.indexOf(ele[level2]) !== -1) {
} else {
label: ele[level2],
checked: false,
// id: (nameArr.indexOf(res) + 2) + "-" + (nameArr.indexOf(
// res) + 2),
children: [{
checked: false,
} else {
label: res,
checked: false,
children: [{
label: ele[level2],
checked: false,
// id: (nameArr.indexOf(res) + 2) + "-" + (nameArr
// .indexOf(
// res) + 2),
children: [{
checked: false,
subList.forEach((item, index) => {
this.$set(item, "id", index + 1)
item.children.forEach((item2, index2) => {
this.$set(item2, "id", (index + 1) + "-" + (index2 + 1)), index3) => {
this.$set(item3, "personid",
this.$set(item3, "id", (index + 1) + "-" + (index2 + 1) + "-" + (
index3 +
this.$set(item3, "label", item3.userName)
return subList
// 以下是插件方法
openTree: function() {
this.$refs.nextTreeAsyncRef.showTree = true
changeVerify: function(current, chooseList) {
// 注意:返回非空字符串会阻止原有行为,并提示返回的字符串
// 如果函数体不做return返回值即验证通过控件正常处理业务
console.log('当前变化的数据', current)
console.log('已选择的数据', chooseList)
// if (chooseList && chooseList.length > 4) {
// return '最多可以选择4个节点'
// }
checkedFunc: function(id) {
if (this.activeId === id) {
this.activeId = '';
this.$refs.nextTreeRef.checkedFunc(id, false)
} else {
this.activeId = id;
loadData(nodeItem) {
// 同步实现的代码处理方式 可以返回单个子节点的集合也可以返回子孙节点的集合
// 如果期望子集节点中还存在孙子节点可以打开,请在初始化数据的时候,初始化个空数组的子节点配置值{[this.childrenKey]: []}
// if(nodeItem && this.localData[]) {
// return this.localData[]
// } else {
// return []
// }
// 异步的代码实现方式 可以返回单个子节点的集合也可以返回子孙节点的集合
// 如果期望子集节点中还存在孙子节点可以打开,请在初始化数据的时候,初始化个空数组的子节点配置值{[this.childrenKey]: []}
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
setTimeout(() => {
if (nodeItem && self.localData[]) {
return resolve(self.localData[])
} else {
return resolve([])
}, 1000)
getTitle: function(checked) {
return `已选:${checked.length}`
echoDefault: function() {
const selectIds = ['2-1', '3-3-35']
this.checkedTreeData(this.treeData, selectIds)
console.log('treeData的数据', this.treeData)
this.multiple = true
this.$refs.nextTreeRef.showTree = true
itemclick: function(_multiple, _selectParent, _checkStrictly = false) {
this.multiple = _multiple
this.selectParent = _selectParent
this.checkStrictly = _checkStrictly
this.$refs.nextTreeRef.showTree = true
checkedTreeData: function(treeData, selectIds) {
// 注意 vue2当数据深嵌套时如果没有在treeData里面初始化checked属性那在改变数据的时候直接将checked属性赋值为true这时候ui界面有可能不会更新
// 这时候建议使用this.$set去更新checked属性值或者在初始化this.treeData的时候初始化checked属性
(treeData || []).map(item => {
if (selectIds.indexOf( !== -1) {
item.checked = true
} else {
item.checked = false
if (item.children && item.children.length) {
this.checkedTreeData(item.children, selectIds)
onconfirm: function(list) {
console.log('选中项的数量列表list', list)
// this.checkList.push(list)
this.checkList = list
oncancel: function() {
// 清除treeData的选中状态
this.checkedTreeData(this.treeData, [])
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