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<view class="zhuye">
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<!-- //导航栏 -->
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<template #left>
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<view v-show="!loading">
<view class="swiper">
<!-- <u-swiper height="346rpx" width="100%" radius="5" :list="list1" indicator></u-swiper> -->
<image src="../static/images/zhuye/bg.png" alt=""></image>
<view class="welcome">下午好,{{ name }}</view>
<view class="box">
<!-- 常用服务菜单模块 -->
<view class="grid-body" style="margin-top: 30rpx;">
<u-grid col="4" @click="changeGrid">
<u-grid-item v-for="(item, index) in indexQuanXian" :key="index" :name="item.path">
<view class="grid-item-box1">
<image :src="`${item.pic}`" style="width: 70rpx; height: 70rpx;" />
style=" font-size: 26rpx;font-family: Noto Sans S Chinese;font-weight: 400;color: #212121;margin-top: 10rpx;">{{ item.menuName }}</text>
<view class="box">
<view class="notice-body" style="margin-top: 15rpx;" @click="goToPage(3)">
<view class="notice">
<image src="../static/images/zhuye/notice.png" alt=""></image>
<u-notice-bar color="#212121" bgColor="#FFFFFFF" icon=" " :text="gonggao"></u-notice-bar>
<u-icon name="arrow-right" color="#2979ff" size="20"></u-icon>
<view class="new box">
<view class="newleft" @click="goToPage(1)">
<view style="margin-top: 18rpx;">共 {{ cardata.carNum }} 辆</view>
<view class="newright" @click="goToPage(2)">
<view style="margin-top: 18rpx;">{{ phoCall }}</view>
<swiper v-if="showYj >= 0 && !list1.length == '0'" style="height: 210rpx;" class="new box" :autoplay="true"
:interval="3000" :circular="true">
<swiper-item v-for="(item, index) in list1" :key="index" @click="goToPage(4, item)">
<view style="background-color: #fff;width: 100%;">
<!-- 头部 -->
<view class="sortHead">
<image src="../static/images/Yjplan/sort.png"
style="width: 36rpx;height: 36rpx;margin-right: 22rpx;"></image>
<span class="sortTitle">{{ index + 1 }}.{{ item.houseName }}</span>
<!-- 卡片 -->
<view class="sortCard">
<view class="zonghe" v-if="!item.kcnum == '0'">
<view class="title">库存预警(个)</view>
<view class="count">{{ item.kcnum }}</view>
<view class="zhuanxiang" v-if="!item.gqNum == '0'">
<view class="title">到期时间预警(个)</view>
<view class="count">{{ item.gqNum }}</view>
<view class="new box">
<view style="background-color: #fff;width: 100%;">
<!-- 头部 -->
<!-- <view class="sortHead">
<image src="../static/images/Yjplan/sort.png"
style="width: 36rpx;height: 36rpx;margin-right: 22rpx;"></image>
<span class="sortTitle">最近一次演练计划</span>
</view> -->
<!-- 卡片 -->
<!-- <view class="sortCard"> -->
<!-- <view>
<view class="unfinishlist">
<view class="content" style="border-left: 13rpx #FFD777 solid;margin-left: 4rpx; ">
<view class="name">{{ backlog.drillName }}</view>
<view class="address" style="display: flex;align-items: center;">
<image src="../static/images/drill/adress.png"
style="width: 24rpx;height: 24rpx;margin-right: 5rpx;" />
{{ backlog.drillAddress }}
<view class="content">
<view class="name" style="color: #df4d63;font-weight: 600;">{{ backlog.text4 }}
<view class="address" style="display: flex;align-items: center;">
{{ backlog.drillDate }}
</view> -->
<!-- <view class="box">
<view class="boxGood">
<view class="title">
<view class="titlebg">
<image src="../static/images/zhuye/goodsTitle.png" alt="">
<view class="address">
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gutter="25" :activeStyle="{
color: '#303133',
fontWeight: 'bold',
transform: 'scale(1.05)'
}" :inactiveStyle="{
color: '#606266',
transform: 'scale(1)'
}" itemStyle=" height: 70rpx;width:200rpx"
style="background-color: #fff;white-space: nowrap !important;"></u-tabs>
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<scroll-view scroll-y="true" enableBackToTop="true" @scrolltolower="loadMore()"
style="height: 500rpx;">
<view class="goodsContent" v-for="(index,item) in 4">
<view class="goodsPic">
<image src="../static/images/zhuye/cap.png" alt="">
<view class="goodsNew">
<view class="name">安全帽</view>
<view class="type">
<view class="count">
<view class="basicCount">
<image src="../static/images/zhuye/basic.png" alt="">
<view class="currentCount">
<image src="../static/images/zhuye/current.png" alt="">
<view class="status">
<scroll-view scroll-y="true" style="height: 1000rpx;" enableBackToTop="true"
<scroll-view scroll-y="true" style="height: 1000rpx;" enableBackToTop="true"
</view> -->
<!-- app更新模块 -->
<!-- <update @showF="ShowON" :show="$store.state.updateApp.isTrue" :versionNum="$store.state.updateApp.newVesion"
:downloadUrl="$store.state.updateApp.url" :versionContent="$store.state.updateApp.MiaoShu"></update> -->
<!-- <Tabbar :value="'首页'"></Tabbar> -->
import {
} from '@/api/indexpage/YJDrill/index.js';
import auth from '@/plugins/auth.js';
import {
} from '@/api/indexpage/user.js';
import {
} from '@/api/menu.js';
// import { getFzTask, getNoReadMessage } from '@/api/indexpage/mine.js';
import Tabbar from '@/components/tabbar/tabbar.vue';
import update from '@/components/update/update.vue';
import {
} from '@/minix/timeCommon.js';
export default {
name: 'index',
components: {
data() {
return {
backlog: [
showYj: '',
text1: '',
gonggao: '欢迎使用应急资源管理App',
daubanData: 0,
tabIndex: 0,
news: 0,
loading: false,
fullHeight: '', //轮播图自适应高
// showOverPop: this.$store.state.overlaypop.showOverPop, //暂且先改为flase,等联合后台后再来显示
name: this.$,
isTF: this.$store.state.updateApp.isTrue,
current: 0,
renwuList: null,
indexQuanXian: [],
// list1: ["全部", "个体防护", "应急救援设备", "消防设备设施"],
list1: [],
cardata: {},
phoCall: '',
quanxianzhifu: true,
activityNum: 0, //非常规作业数量
name: this.$
onLoad() {
this.text1 = getApp().globalData.config.appInfo.version;
uni.hideTabBar(); = this.$store.state.mine.xiaoxi;
this.quanxianzhifu = auth.hasPermi('specialwork:workActivity:add');
methods: {
// goback() {
// const pages = getCurrentPages(); // 获取页面栈
// console.log(pages); // 打印页面栈
// // 如果页面栈大于 1执行返回操作
// if (pages.length > 1) {
// uni.navigateBack(); // 返回上一页
// console.log("返回上一页");
// } else {
// console.log("已经在首页,无法返回");
// // 如果没有历史记录,可以退出或关闭 WebView
// if (window.JSBridge && window.JSBridge.exit) {
// // 如果你有 JSBridge 可以调用它的退出方法
// window.JSBridge.exit();
// } else if (window.history.length > 1) {
// // 如果浏览器历史记录大于 1使用 window.history.back()
// window.history.back();
// } else {
// // 没有历史记录,调用 App 的退出方法或者关闭窗口
// if (window.exitApp) {
// window.exitApp(); // 调用 App 的退出接口
// } else {
// // 如果没有 exitApp 方法,可以尝试关闭窗口
// window.close();
// }
// }
// }
// }
goback() {
// // this.$router.go(-3)
// // window.history.back()
// // window.JSBridge.exit();
// // 获取当前页面栈
// const pages = getCurrentPages();
// console.log(pages); // 打印页面栈
// uni.closeWebview();
// window.location.href="";
// window.location.replace("");
// window.location.href=""
// 如果页面栈大于 1执行返回操作
// if (pages.length > 1) {
// // uni.navigateBack(1);
// window.history.back();
// console.log("pages.length",pages.length);
// } else {
// console.log('已经在首页,无法返回');
// window.history.back();
// console.log('已执行back');
// // this.$router.go(-2)
// // console.log('已执行$router');
// // uni.navigateBack(1);
// // console.log('已执行navigateBack');
// // window.JSBridge.exit();
// // console.log('已执行exit');
// // window.close();
// // console.log('已执行close');
// }
// if (window.exitApp) {
// console.log("1111")
// window.exitApp(); // 调用 App 的退出接口
// } else if (window.WebViewBridge) {
// console.log("2222")
// window.WebViewBridge.close(); // 调用 App 的 WebView 关闭方法
// } else {
// // 如果没有 WebViewBridge 接口,使用历史记录返回
// if (window.history.length > 1) {
// console.log("33333")
// window.history.back();
// } else {
// console.log("44444")
// window.exitApp()
// // window.close(); // 如果没有历史记录,关闭当前窗口
// }
// }
// },
getYanLian() {
backlog().then(res => {
this.backlog = res[0];
if (this.backlog == null) {
getYj() {
getLessNum().then(res => {
this.list1 =;
goToPage(bs, item) {
if (bs === 1) {
} else if (bs === 2) {
} else if (bs === 3) {
} else if (bs === 4) {
getGongGao() {
listNotice().then(res => {
this.gonggao = res.rows
.map(item => {
// 使用正则表达式移除 HTML 标签
return item.noticeContent.replace(/<[^>]+>/g, ''); // 这是去掉所有HTML标签的正则
.join(' ');
getCar() {
listCountByAll().then(res => {
this.cardata =;
getConfigKeyData() {
getConfigKey('emergency_phone').then(res => {
this.phoCall = res.msg;
// tabs点击切换
clicktabs(e) {
// 轮播图切换
tabChange(e) {
let index = || e.detail.current; // 获取到当前移动到第几个
switchTab(index) {
if (this.tabIndex == index) {
} else {
this.tabIndex = index;
ShowON(e) { = e;
showOverPop() {
this.$store.commit('setshowOverPop', false);
getquanxian() {
console.log("saveMenu", this.$store.state.user.saveMenu);
this.$ => {
if (item.menuName === '首页') {
//过滤不显示的按钮 => {
if (item1.status === '0') {
if (item.path === '/pages/indexpage/YJgoods/YJgoods') {
this.showYj = 2;
changeGrid(path) {
// console.log(path);
// this.$modal.showToast('模块建设中~');
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